Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I have been so inspired by some of my favorite artists' blogs, that I decided to carve out a little spot on the interwebs to share my own.

First, a little about me... My name is Misti, and I've been married for 16 years to my best friend/husband, Chris. We have a 7 year old son, Jonathan, who I am blessed to be able to stay home with. 

As for making art, it's a relatively new experience for me. I started as a scrapbooker years ago, but would get so caught up in trying to make my pages look "right" or as pretty as others, that it stopped being fun. Hobbies should be fun! 

A few months ago, two of my besties, Rebecca and Laurel, invited me to go to an art journaling class with them. I was hesitant at first. My brain works in a very "a + b = c" way; meaning there's always a "correct" way to do things. I really struggle when there isn't a definitive "right" way to do things... like art... it's all open to interpretation and perception, and I figured I'd get stressed out trying to do it "right". 

Thankfully they convinced me because it's been amazing. Turns out, at least in this area, I find the fact that there isn't a right way very freeing. I can just mess around, play in the paint, etc., and enjoy the process. 

I've watched a lot of videos, taken several classes and learned so much... but I won't go into that now. 

For now, I think I'll just share my first few journal pages. I hope you'll come back by as I share more of my art journal and other things I've been working on!

My very first art journal page!

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